Event Series:
Feldenkrais – Gentle Movements for Life
Event Free
Feldenkrais – Gentle Movements for Life

Date & Time
Monday September 9, 2024
4:00PM EDT / 3:00PM CDT / 2:00PM MDT / 1:00PM PDT
4:00PM EDT / 3:00PM CDT / 2:00PM MDT / 1:00PM PDT
The Feldenkrais Method® uses gentle movement to help increase your ease and range of motion and improve your flexibility and coordination. Join us to learn more and practice this technique.
Feldenkrais is offered every Monday.
This class is part of our Team Senior Planet program.
Click or tap to join this class by Zoom:
Meeting ID: 895 2422 1328
Call in with a phone:
Meeting ID: 895 2422 1328
Need help joining by Zoom? English instructions / Spanish instructions
Please consult your physician or other healthcare professional before starting this or any other fitness program to determine if it is right for your needs. The exercise instruction and information presented are in no way intended as a substitute for medical consultation.