Event Free

Date & Time
Wednesday September 18, 2024
11:00AM EDT / 10:00AM CDT / 9:00AM MDT / 8:00AM PDT
11:00AM EDT / 10:00AM CDT / 9:00AM MDT / 8:00AM PDT
Online / By Phone
Spotify is a great digital music service for enjoying millions of songs, podcasts, and videos for free! In this lecture, you’ll learn about Spotify’s important features, including how to search for songs and create your own playlists. You’ll also learn how to follow your friends and the artists you love.
Click or tap to join this event by Zoom:
Meeting ID: 892 2062 6958
Call in with a phone:
Meeting ID: 892 2062 6958
Registration not required. Trainer subject to change.
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