Stronger Bones
Stronger Bones
Activate the joints and muscles and increase mental focus during this exercise class.
Despite a 25-year battle with diabetes, Senior Planet Sponsored Athlete Nancey Walker stays moving, motivated, and stronger than ever.
Meet Tom Simek, who overcame several health challenges to become a 2024 Senior Planet Sponsored Athlete — and a Ninja Warrior.
Karen keeps in touch with friends and explores the universe in the virtual reality game, No Man’s Sky.
For Volunteer Appreciation Month, meet three older, tech-savvy adults on the Senior Planet Hotline volunteer team.
Senior Planet Sponsored Athlete Harold Sanco shares how he bounced back into the fitness lifestyle after emergency back surgeries.
Sheri Jones, a Poll Inspector since 2015, discusses the role of tech, and why more seniors should consider applying for these seasonal, paid jobs.
After receiving a serious diagnosis from his doctor, Senior Planet Sponsored Athlete William Lee rekindled a passion for fitness that had been dormant since his days in the Army.
Meet Umme Mahmud— a Senior Planet trainer in NYC with a passion for helping people reach their goals!
Jean Dublin, 70, is a Senior Planet participant turned volunteer who leads a weekly meditation class at the Senior Planet Center in NYC and leads its walking club.
Meet Sue-May Lin — a Senior Planet trainer in California who makes artisanal chocolates in her free time — and learn how she’s celebrating Lunar New Year!
Meet the newest Senior Planet Sponsored Athletes and be inspired by their stories of transformation and triumph!
Read the stirring story of an MIT engineer’s life-changing trip to Africa – and how his invention and his mission is bringing mobility to the world.
Meet Risa Page, 66, Senior Planet’s CES correspondent!
Meet Johnny Hernandez, a Senior Planet trainer in San Antonio who marches to the beat of his own drum with his band, the Shady Blades.
The 2023 Senior Planet Sponsored Athletes share their favorite moments from the program and leave the community with some lasting fitness advice.
There’s always a lot going on in the Senior Planet universe. Get our newsletters to make sure you never miss a thing!
Senior Planet Community is our social media platform designed specifically for older adult users. Engage in thought-provoking discussions, make new friends, and share resources all on a safe and ad-free platform.
Activate the joints and muscles and increase mental focus during this exercise class.
Registration required.
Learn how to stay safe while you surf the web!
In this introductory lecture, we'll go over what you need to start your first meeting, as well as some hosting tips to make it a success.
Follow various cues to develop body alignment and breath awareness.
Join Senior Planet and our tour guides from Discover Live for a virtual visit to Spain!
Get your heart pumping during this fun, high-energy workout!
Registration required.
Learn the basics of cloud storage — a technology that lets you store documents, images, and other media files remotely.
Activate the joints and muscles to become limber and increase balance during this exercise class.
Learn about some of the more popular social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok and LinkedIn.
Registration required.
A simple plan is better than no plan! Get to know a few free and low-cost resources that make it simple to plan your estate.
Registration required.
Sharing the news? Learn to read and check sources before sharing!
¿Ha escuchado de X? Le damos la bienvenida a esta sesión de resumen sobre la plataforma X.
Faster is not always better! Come learn about home internet options so you only pay for what you need.
Relax your mind and strengthen your body with this gentle exercise class.
Registration required.
Come learn how the medical industry is embracing the Internet of Things (IoT) technology to treat patients remotely.
This lecture will provide an overview of how to use social media in your job search, demonstrate digital job searching tools like LinkedIn, and offer tips and advice to job seekers.
Don't worry about formatting your resume. Let the templates do the work for you!
In this lecture, we’ll discuss ways to make sure social media helps you when you’re looking for work!
Start your week off right with a preview of the week's upcoming programs and a guided meditation session!
Registration required.
Did you know your phone can measure your heart rate? Learn about free heart rate monitor apps and why they can be useful.
Use bodyweight, bands, and dumbbells to build your strength.
Get your heart pumping during this fun, high-energy workout!
Activate the joints and muscles and increase mental focus during this exercise class.
Learn how digital coupon tools can help you save money!
Don't want to cook? Learn about meal kit services that take the stress out of meal time!
Seeing might not mean believing anymore. Come learn how to identify deepfakes and cloned voices so you don't fall for digital deception.
This lecture will introduce digital translation tools and apps, such as Google Translate.
Get your heart pumping during this fun, high-energy workout!
Registration required.
This lecture provides an overview of telemedicine options and focuses on exploring virtual medical appointments with your doctor in real-time.
Activate the joints and muscles to become limber and increase balance during this exercise class.
In this presentation, we'll explore the popular design platform, Canva, and demonstrate how you can get very creative with basic tools like Google Slides.
Follow various cues to develop body alignment and breath awareness.
¡Descubra cómo el Internet de las cosas está cambiando la industria del entretenimiento!
In this lecture we'll explore some of these virtual galleries, as well as digital tools that help bring art, architecture, and history to life!
Relax your mind and strengthen your body with this gentle exercise class.
Come learn about QR codes, augmented reality apps, and more!
Learn the basics of cloud storage — a technology that lets you store documents, images, and other media files remotely.
Learn about some of Google's most popular productivity tools that are for personal use, as well as work-related ones.
This lecture provides an overview of the vast world of the Internet of Things and discusses best practices for keeping your devices secure.
Start your week off right with a preview of the week's upcoming programs and a guided meditation session!
Registration required.
This lecture introduces common health apps, like the iPhone's built-in app and the Google Fit app.
Use bodyweight, bands, and dumbbells to build your strength.
Get your heart pumping during this fun, high-energy workout!
Activate the joints and muscles and increase mental focus during this exercise class.
This lecture will provide a general introduction to shopping online using the popular website
Registration required.
Concerned about viruses and malware? Attend this lecture to learn how to keep your device safe!
Go beyond stick figures and bring your imagination to life with AI image generators!
Get your heart pumping during this fun, high-energy workout!
Registration required.
Learn about the health, wellness, and personal safety benefits of wearable technology.
Activate the joints and muscles to become limber and increase balance during this exercise class.
Don't overpay for internet. Learn about programs offering low-cost home internet that can help save you money.
Follow various cues to develop body alignment and breath awareness.
¿Ha comprado algo en Amazon? ¿Quiere saber si el producto que ve en la tienda es más barato en línea? ¡Venga a aprender más sobre compras en línea!
Relax your mind and strengthen your body with this gentle exercise class.
Will your digital content and social media pages live on forever? Come learn about your digital legacy options!
A simple plan is better than no plan! Get to know a few free and low-cost resources that make it simple to plan your estate.
Say goodbye to paper cuts! Come learn about digital scrapbooking tools.
Start your week off right with a preview of the week's upcoming programs and a guided meditation session!
Use bodyweight, bands, and dumbbells to build your strength.
Registration required.
Concerned about privacy? Unsure about accepting cookies? Come learn about some essential privacy tips!
Get your heart pumping during this fun, high-energy workout!
Activate the joints and muscles and increase mental focus during this exercise class.
Need a vacation? Learn about popular websites and apps for booking vacation rentals.
Can tech give you a green thumb? Come to this lecture to find out!
Follow various cues to develop body alignment and breath awareness.
Get your heart pumping during this fun, high-energy workout!
Registration required.
How smart are they? We'll tell you all about smartphones.
Use bodyweight, bands, and dumbbells to build your strength.
Activate the joints and muscles to become limber and increase balance during this exercise class.
Game on! Come discover the world of gaming and start playing!
Registration required.
During this lecture, you’ll get an introduction to Google Maps and a demonstration of how to use it.
This presentation will introduce you to the most common uses for the Nextdoor app and its main features, along with some best practices for using it safely.
Like to know what's happening? Come learn about X (formerly Twitter)!
¿A dónde quiere viajar? El internet le puede ayudar a planear su próximo viaje! ¡Aprenda con nosotros!
Relax your mind and strengthen your body with this gentle exercise class.
This lecture will go over the features of three widely-used apps: iMessages, Google Chats, and WhatsApp.
Learn how to use emojis, GIFs, and more to quickly say what you mean!
Come learn about all that Senior Planet has to offer!
Registration required.
Learn how to lower your risk of falling and improve your balance skills!
Join this session to engage in meaningful conversation about death in a safe and open environment.
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