Event Free
Mobile Health Apps

Date & Time
Monday September 16, 2024
11:00AM EDT / 10:00AM CDT / 9:00AM MDT / 8:00AM PDT
11:00AM EDT / 10:00AM CDT / 9:00AM MDT / 8:00AM PDT
Online / By Phone
Class Description
Did you know that your smartphone is also a powerful health tool? This lecture introduces common health apps, like the iPhone’s built-in app and the Google Fit app. You’ll learn about using the app’s step counter, as well as integrating information from other popular health and fitness apps. You’ll also learn the benefits of saving your medical ID.
*Please note that registration is required for this virtual lecture. Registered participants can receive the class recording, which will be accessible for one week following the event. Trainer subject to change.
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