Event Series:
Group Tech Talks: Android
Event Free
Group Tech Talks: Android

Date & Time
Tuesday September 10, 2024
2:00PM MDT
2:00PM MDT
Senior Planet Center in Colorado
7585 E. Academy Boulevard
United States
Have Android questions? Come to our center to this Q&A session to ask your Android-related questions. Please bring your Android devices to the center with you!
To Register for this event call (720) 328-0875 or visit our center in Lowry!
The Lowry center is located at 7585 E. Academy Boulevard, Denver, CO 20230.
Cross street: N. Syracuse Street.
- Take the driveway with the rocket ship on the left and the B-52 airplane on the right.
- Pass the Lowry Beer Garden and Extra Space Storage on the left.
- The Senior Planet center is in the back left corner of Hangar 2.